RE-AVES operates as a value-added supplier and partner in the field of complex mechatronic systems, industrial modules and mechanical components. With our Manufacturing Services and RE-AVES Assistance services, we support Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in realizing their business objectives. We always set ourselves the goal of unburdening the customer as much as possible so that they can focus as much as possible on the development of their core business.

Read more about RE-AVES


RE-AVES' services can mainly be found in the following markets:



Renewable energy



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vacancy offer

RE-AVES is growing. That is why we are always looking for suitable personnel. Do you want to work on innovative solutions for our customers or do you want to be part of a project team at various innovative organizations? Then quickly view our available vacancies.


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RE-AVES can be found in the middle of the Brainport region in Helmond.

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